Perry B. 'Pete' Haynsworth, Jr.
As a business analysis, data management, and project management contractor:
- Developed all operational procedures & reports and specified
the system to acquire for loan accounting and borrower monitoring for the
start-up asset-based lending business line of a regional bank
- Risk assessment of fixed asset systems for a global gaming
corporation and for a Middle East country's defense ministry
- Tabulation/reporting of ‘360-degree’ performance surveys for units
of Fortune-500 corporations
- Acceptance testing and database validation of an acquired $1/2
million Oracle-based risk management system
- Specification, development, coding and deployment of an
MS-Access-based service-call tracking system
- Conceived, developed, and programmed a proprietary business
planning tool: Sustainable Growth Analysis
- For the past decade, business analysis directly using
XML-structured financial statement data, including closely monitoring the
SEC's XBRL-based Interactive Data implementation.
As a business analyst, corporate planner & divisional
information officer:
- Commercial credit analyst/manager at two prominent regional
business lending banks
- Strategic planning and competitive analysis officer for two public
companies, completing four strategic planning evolutions
- Corporate loan portfolio reporting manager, with hands-on command
of sophisticated analytics/reporting tools such as IBI-Focus
- Operations OIC for an asset-based lending business line that
included nationally dispersed loan production offices
- For a super-regional bank's
corporate lending division:
Vice president & project manager - systems implementation & support
Academic: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC - BS in Business
Military: United States Navy - Naval Aviator, carrier pilot &
war gaming umpire